The computer has long been a facinating place to be creative or to meet creative people. My love for family, photography, scrapbooking, stamping and alteration-art has been enhanced by this format.
I am a Grandmother of 12 and each one of those darlings is a gem all by itself and I love to be with them. I had my time with their parents and it was fun too. I work full-time and do freelance photography on the side. I do lots of weddings and just got a digital camera for my BD last year. What fun having a new toy to play with.
I hope to share artwork and ideas. I am beginning to start work again on my great sci-fi novel. (yeah well, great might be a stretch)
I love the Stephanie Plum series by Janet Evonavich....anyone else read them? I have my own ideas of the casting call if they were ever made into a movie.
I think Sandra Bullock for Stephanie. She is pretty, clutsy and sassy enough to pull it off. Here are the rest of my picks:
Joe Morelli = Viggo Mortensen
Ranger = Dwayne Johnson/The Rock
Lula = Queen Latifa
Connie = Rikki Lake
Vinnie = Steven Buceme
Grandma Mazur - Estelle Getty or Betty White
Mooner = David Spade